Horizon Technology Finance Corp Stock Price. Everything You Need To Know About The Horizon Technology Finance Corp Stock! Horizon Technology Finance Corp Stock Price. Everything You Need To Know About The Horizon Technology Finance Corp Stock!

Horizon Technology Finance Corp is a US-based company operating in Capital Markets industry. The company is headquartered in Farmington, Connecticut and currently employs 0 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2010-10-29. Horizon Technology Finance Corporation is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The firm lends to and invests in development-stage companies in the technology, life science, healthcare information and services and sustainability industries (target industries). The firm’s investment objective is to maximize its investment portfolio’s total return by generating current income from the debt investments it makes and capital appreciation from the warrants it receives when making such debt investments. The company is focused on making secured debt investments to venture capital and private equity backed companies and publicly traded companies in its target industries. Its debt investment portfolio consists of approximately 45 debt investments. In addition to its debt investments, the Company holds warrants to purchase stock, predominantly preferred stock, in approximately 73 portfolio companies. Its investment adviser is Horizon Technology Finance Management LLC.

Horizon Technology Finance Corp Stock Price. Everything You Need To Know About The Horizon Technology Finance Corp Stock! performance

  • Employees 0
  • Company HQ Farmington
  • Website https://horizontechfinance.com
  • Asset Type
  • Market Capitalization 0
  • Earnings Per Share
  • Dividends Per Share
  • Dividend Date
  • Quarterly Earnings Growth

Are you a retail investor from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, or Vietnam looking to invest in US stocks? Look no further than Horizon Technology Finance! As an expert in content marketing at Zorion, I understand the importance of making informed investment decisions. With Horizon Technology Finance, you can invest in real US stocks and Pre-IPO companies, gaining access to a promising sector that offers significant growth potential. But how can you invest in this stock from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, or Vietnam? Zorion provides investment insights, recommendations, and educational resources to help you navigate the investment process and make educated decisions. Start your journey towards financial success today by investing in Horizon Technology Finance.

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