Mid Penn Bancorp Inc Stock Price. Everything You Need To Know About The Mid Penn Bancorp Inc Stock!
Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc. operates as a bank holding company for Mid Penn Bank, which engages in the provision of commercial banking and financial services. The company is headquartered in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and currently employs 580 full-time employees. The firm operates through its wholly owned subsidiary, Mid Penn Bank (the Bank). The firm’s primary business consists of attracting deposits and loans from the Bankβs network of community banking offices. The Bank engages in full-service commercial banking and trust business, making available to the community a range of financial services, including, mortgage and home equity loans, secured and unsecured commercial and consumer loans, lines of credit, construction financing, farm loans, community development and local government loans and various types of time and demand deposits. In addition, the Bank provides a full range of trust and retail investment services. The Bank also offers other services, such as online banking, telephone banking, cash management services, automated teller services and safe deposit boxes. The Bank has approximately 43 full-service retail banking locations in the Pennsylvania counties.
Mid Penn Bancorp Inc Stock Price. Everything You Need To Know About The Mid Penn Bancorp Inc Stock! performance
- Employees 580
- Company HQ Harrisburg
- Website https://www.midpennbank.com
- Asset Type
- Market Capitalization 0
- Earnings Per Share
- Dividends Per Share
- Dividend Date
- Quarterly Earnings Growth
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