Perficient Inc 股票
Perficient, Inc. engages in the provision of digital consultancy services. The company is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri and currently employs 6,893 full-time employees. The firm’s six primary service categories include strategy and transformation, data and intelligence, platforms and technology, customer experience and digital marketing, innovation and product development, and optimized global delivery. Its strategy and transformation services include digital strategy, technology strategy, business velocity and growth, and organizational change management. Its data and intelligence offerings include analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, big data, business intelligence, and a custom product portfolio. Its platforms and technology services include blockchain, cloud, commerce, corporate performance management, customer relationship management, content management systems and other. Its customer experience and digital marketing services include analytics, and other. Its innovation and product development services include product development services and a robust suite of proprietary products.
Perficient Inc 表现
- Employees 6893
- Company HQ St. Louis
- 网站
- 资产类型
- 市值 0
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